I have been enjoying making boards for Chelsea for the last couple years.. nice to see her enjoying them all. even tho she is the best long boarder in the world, she cannot leave her
Nice Swells coming thru at the moment and a great time to be testing out different board shapes.. Here is Barrista extroadinare Oliver Shaw making the most of his Test drive on our 5’2 Felix
Diverse – 2012 Board Bible from Surfing Life on Vimeo.
[youtube_sc url=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nfd1foO33E4&feature=player_detailpage” title=”Dynocore%20Diverse%20Felix%20Shortboard”]Heres a quik clip of the local japanese boys testing the Felix at Cabarita. this is their first surf on them and the waves were pretty slow and fat.
So Sometimes When Im Shaping or cutting things on my Beloved APS 3000 CNC, Things go wrong, Accidents happen. Concentration lapse or mechanical failures.. I hate wasting blanks, its my chosen art. So this one